Since the 1990s, major transport operators have introduced yield management systems initially inspired by the airlines.

The principle is simple: maximize turnover to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price. This result in some unpredictability in order to influence consumer behavior according to its degree of anticipation to buy its ticket.

However behind those simple principles, operators have created very complex reservation systemsTyms has developed a number of tools capable of interpreting them.

Understanding pricing strategy of your competitor is a decisive advantage that Tyms can provide to you. Our big data tools are suitable for air, rail, bus or car-sharing.

Tyms has a real business knowledge and translate the different reservation systems in clear useful data.

The power and precision of our algorithms reconstruct the business model of any operator from public data. Our systems are improving in real time 24/7 thanks to machine learning, finely configured from our expertise and your feedbacks.

From public fares, our algorithms reconstruct any operator load factors, profit & loss statement, traffic forecasts and market equilibrium.

With Tyms, you definitively have a head start to understand and decipher the strategy of your competitors.


Tyms SAS registered at the RCS of Paris. SIRET 83455220000018. Intra-Community VAT FR88834552200. APE code: 6311Z

Tyms SAS

66 avenue des Champs-Elysées

75 008 Paris



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